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Tag: Spend Less

Blog Articles

Buying insurance reminds us of our mortality. We could get sick, hit by a car, or have our home destroyed. However, we still buy medical, auto, and home insurance to protect against those risks. But there’s one policy that most people don’t buy even though there’s a 1 in 4 chance that they’ll need it–disability …
If you have student loans, paying less interest on them and getting the debt paid off faster is an important part of your overall FI strategy. Rates are exceedingly low right now and this could be a perfect time to refinance. Doing so can lower both your interest rate and your monthly payment. Freeing up …

Podcast Shownotes

The next steps after Dave Ramsey’s Peace University, the importance of being present, and food budget hacks. What you’ll hear on today’s show: Links from the show:
Liz from Frugalwoods talks about her blog and book, how she got started with frugality and the amazing benefits it brings. What you’ll hear in today’s show: Links from the show: ________________________________________ Thank you for being a part of the ChooseFI community! If you want to support us, here are some easy ways: 1) Leave …