The next steps after Dave Ramsey’s Peace University, the importance of being present, and food budget hacks.
What you’ll hear on today’s show:
- Review of Monday’s episode
- Brad’s life improved thanks to FI
- How to use Dave Ramsey’s lessons
- Question from Chris about Dave Ramsey
- What the next steps after the Peace University look like
- Why and how credit cards can be useful
- Jill talks about being nervous going back to credit cards
- Michelle says the episode 68 is great to send to Dave Ramsey fans
- The great advantages of working on a budget as a couple
- Comment from Nick about paying off a mortgage
- How FI is not about deprivation
- The importance of being present
- Voicemail from Louisa on a food budget hack
- The video series on different food hacks
- Voicemail from Ashley on her frugal win of the year
- College hack on graduate assistantships
- An article on the dangers of robo-advisers
- Voicemail from Jesse about optimizing cash-back rewards
- iTunes and book giveaway
Links from the show:
- Dave Ramsey’s Peace University
- ChooseFI travel reward credit cards
- Jason from Reaching Our Balance shares a college hack for graduate programs
- Food hack video series
- Beware of Robo Advisors Bearing Low Fees