12 Thoughts on Incentives George Mack is one of my favorite writers and I came across his article “12 Thoughts on Incentives” and thought it was brilliant. One of the lessons I consistently teach my daughters is that understanding incentives is one of the best ways to understand human behavior. As the great Charlie Munger said, “Show me the incentives, and I’ll show you the outcome.” George Mack’s article is worth reading in its entirety, but here are three he highlighted that jumped out to me: 2nd Generation FI Resources Devon was my guest in Episode 504 and he’s one of the most impressive young men I’ve ever met. He recently started a blog and created a wonderful resource he titled: ‘25 College Tips for Success: From Freshman to Future-Proof.’ This is a quick 5-minute read that I think is valuable for any young person setting off to college. Pass it along! Three other resources I wanted to quickly mention for 2nd Generation Financial Independence: What Are You Trying to Master? With the help of author Daniel Pink’s framework, we’ve identified five main motivating factors that drive much of human behavior: I want to focus today on ‘Mastery,’ as I