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Choose FI Podcast

Listen to the latest episodes from one of the top business and finance podcasts in the world!

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Investor Policy Statement
An investor policy statement lays out your investment plan. It documents what your asset allocation is and guiding investment philosophy. It can help you from making emotion driven decisions during boom and busts times.
woman tracking personal finance in notebook
Rick Ferri joins the show to discuss asset allocation.
Life Optimization
This episode dives into Distance Education with Mandy Bert. She is a mother, an 8th grade teacher in Illinois, and co-creator of the Accidental Homeschooler.
Tae, from the Financial Tortoise, shares his money story from the perspective of the sandwich generation.
Silhouette of head with idea
Dominick Quartuccio from the podcast The Great Man Within joins us to talk about how to process our emotions during these stressful times.
woman tracking personal finance in notebook
Brad and Jonathan breakdown the stimulus package that is part of the recently passed CARES Act.
woman tracking personal finance in notebook
The Financial Independence movement was born from the 2008 recession, so no, the movement is not going to go away because of another recession. We need this information now more than ever.
Rick Ferri, host of the Boglehead podcast, joins the show to talk about investing during these unprecedented times.
Side Hustle
Joanna Penn shares her story of building multiple income streams and becoming a writer. She outlines how anyone with the passion to be creative can do the same.
woman tracking personal finance in notebook
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Second Generation FI
A lot of us have become Accidental Homeschoolers recently. Brad has said he’d never home school but is trying not to stress and find balance during the day. Vincent Pugliese, from the Total Life Freedom podcast, joins the show to discuss…
Brad discussed the aggregation of marginal gains and looks at all the little things he does to save money, like searching for coupon codes every time he buys something online. Jonathan encourages you to use this time to do that thing…