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Choose FI Podcast

Listen to the latest episodes from one of the top business and finance podcasts in the world!

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Brian Feroldi stops by to discuss the basics of buying stocks and how the stock market works.
Karsten from Early Retirement Now joins the show to share his take on how those pursuing Financial Independence should adjust their investment portfolios based on the recent swings of the market.
A recap of the episode with BigERN, how to save money on your car during the lockdown, and a dive into the mailbag!
Why online grocery shopping is actually saving Brad and Jonathan money, how to approach working from home with your boss after things return to normal, and how to claim any unclaimed property.
Big ERN from Early Retirement Now joins the show to share his take on the current market situation.
Side Hustle
Alan Donegan, the founder of Pop up Business School joins the show to take a look at how businesses can continue to thrive during this difficult time.
What if you don’t want to be 100% equities in your portfolio? What role do bonds play in your portfolio?
A look at investing during difficult times. Does the market always go up? And should you invest a lump sum all at once or slowly over time?
Side Hustle
Travis Hornsby from the Student Loan Planner joins us to discuss the Paycheck Protection Program.
Life Optimization
Danielle, Mandy and Rob join the show to share the newly released pre-K through 12 Financial Independence curriculum. You’ll learn more about the curriculum and how you can implement it into your classroom.
Second Generation FI
Jean Chatzky stops by to discuss the sandwich generation and how to balance caring for both kids and aging parents.
Investor Policy Statement
An investor policy statement lays out your investment plan. It documents what your asset allocation is and guiding investment philosophy. It can help you from making emotion driven decisions during boom and busts times.