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The Roth Conversion Ladder…let’s talk about what it looks like in a real world example. The Roth IRA Conversion Ladder The Roth IRA conversion ladder is the key to early retirement and accessing your 401k/retirement funds and paying little to no…
Introducing the Roth Conversion Ladder Podcast Episode Summary Today’s guest: Brandon from and the origin story of the Mad Fientist How did the Mad Fientist website come about? He first stumbled on the Early Retirement Extreme website He thought there’d…
Life Optimization
Do you utilize the most powerful source of free knowledge and entertainment in your community? We Do!! Podcast Episode Summary Friday Roundup #5 Recap of house hacking episode with Chad Carson from Real estate investing is one of the pillars…
Real Estate
Have you heard of House Hacking? Break the game with this powerful lever of wealth! Podcast Episode Summary Real estate investing and house hacking with Chad “Coach” Carson. On the path to financial independence, how much of your own budget is…
Life Optimization
Why are you spending so much effort keeping up with the Jone’s? They are bankrupt!! How much we appreciate our listeners and the feedback and comments we’re receiving Recap of guest appearance of Justin from Root of Good Justin is living…
Second Generation FI
Let’s talk about 2nd Generation FI. What changes when you are raising kids after hitting FI yourself or on the path to FI? How do we do college smartly?
woman tracking personal finance in notebook
Let’s celebrate the Odometer with 100,000 miles Highlights from the guest episode with Carl from 1500 Days Episode Summary Could you reach financial independence with a 10 to 15 year timeline? Jonathan’s timeline is much shorter than 10 to 15 years…
woman tracking personal finance in notebook
Carl, from 1500 Days, joins us to talk about the phases of financial independence. The Phases of FI with 1500 Days (Mr 1500) Close-knit community at Fincon and FI generally, Its amazing how much you have in common with somebody when…
Let’s discuss a practical example of how to control your tax rate. Highlights from the Millionaire Educator Episode The benefits for teachers and public employees: 403(b) and 457 How the Millionaire Educator controlled his tax liability down to almost $0 The…
Millionaire Educator Shares the Secrets of the 457b Our guest: Millionaire Educator shows us how to invest your money. He shows how teachers, firefighters, police officers and public employees can leverage the power of pretax savings to supercharge their retirement , and…
Introducing a crowd-sourced community feedback based show: The Friday Roundup Our first Friday Roundup Highlights from Frugalwoods episode Frugality is not about deprivation Freedom is the goal of financial independence Different perspectives: Brad the naturally frugal and Jonathan the ‘reluctant frugalist’…
Living a Frugal Life is a Powerful FI Tool Liz from Frugalwoods coaches us through the ultimate guide to frugal living The benefits of minimalism and living frugal Frugalwoods family saving 70%+ of their income Their conscious decision in March 2014 to…