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Tag: Earn More

Blog Articles

When investing in a portfolio, there only a handful of things that you can control that will influence returns. They are: asset allocation, security, selection, and market timing. Asset allocation (stocks versus bonds) Security selection (which stocks or bonds) Market timing (buy now or later) Significant research has been done on these factors. By and …
One of the greatest appeals for having a financial advisor is the comfort we feel in having an “expert” do our investing for us. We fear that we don’t know what we’re doing with our own money. Most of us didn’t go to school for finance and we figure that a seasoned professional knows how …

Podcast Shownotes

Harry Campbell, The Rideshare Guy, talks about what it takes to be a successful Lyft and Uber driver, the strategies he used to start his blog, and how he transitioned from aerospace engineering to full-time blogging. What you will hear on today’s show: How did Harry find out about financial independence and choose to pursue …
CarLotz co-founder Will Boland talks about making the leap from investment banking to entrepreneurship, the challenges and benefits of leading a growing company, and what it means to build a life resume. What you’ll hear in today’s show: Listen to Brad and Jonathan’s thoughts about this episode here. Links mentioned during the show: CarLotz …
Millennial Boss and FIRE Drill podcaster, J talks about becoming a creator, career hacking, and salary negotiation, alongside pursuing FI, side hustles, and a growing podcast. Listen to Brad and Jonathan explore these concepts further here. Links: FIRE Drill Podcast Mr. Money Mustache Mad FIentist Go Curry Cracker jlcollinsnh Fiery Millennials Mr. Money Mustache: The …