• Brad and Jonathan are releasing this episode while in Greece.
• Brad talks about the challenges of buying foreign currencies before a trip abroad.
• Travelers can open a Schwab Bank High Yield Investor account to get an ATM card with no transaction fees, and the flexibility to get more currency when you need it.
• Review of Monday’s episode: is a degree worth it at more than $100k a year in student loans?
• Brad and Jonathan were surprised to learn how much Samm paid for school, compared to the average income for a dentist, and the student loans that almost all dentists take on.
Listen to the full episode with Samantha Keith here.
• A Facebook post from Jim to share that he’s 100% debt free.
• A voicemail from Jordan (3rd generation FI), who spoke with his employer about high 401k administrative fees, and ultimately his employer agreed to cover those fees and help employees save more.
• Message from Jennifer: concern about planning for healthcare in the future.
• Voicemail from Cara with strategies for healthcare planning:
◦ Purchase a good disability insurance policy
◦ Aim for Fat-FI
◦ Take the best care of your health possible
▪ Go to regular doctors and dentist appointments
▪ Use traditional health insurance, not high deductible
▪ Stay geographically near good healthcare if necessary
• Jared graduated from physical therapy school in 2015 and is working as a traveling PT while saving almost 90% of his income.
• In the healthcare profession there are many travel jobs that pay more because they are temporary positions.
• Jared and his girlfriend are taking 5 months to travel the abroad, even though he’s not quite at FI.
• 11 countries + 5 months = $6,000
◦ Most significant flights were purchased through credit card rewards.
◦ Majority of the trip will be in southeast Asia, which is inexpensive.
• How did Jared decide where to travel, and how did he plan his hotel stays through reward points?
• Save money on structural expenses (flights, lodging) so that you can spend more on activities.
• How does Jared manage his health and fitness while traveling?
Enjoy Life
In today’s podcast we highlight our takeaways from Episode 27 with Jay from Slowly Sipping Coffee, plus we discuss the ‘Mount Rushmore’ of FI and