Brad and Jonathan’s wives, Laura and Dani (respectively), talk about their introduction to FI, combining finances, budgeting with children, and maintaining balance.
- How did Dani and Laura approach saving before meeting Jonathan?
- How did Laura’s parents change careers to improve their financial status?
- How was growing up in Zimbabwe different from a typical American upbringing?
- What did saving money mean to Dani when she started working?
- How did Dani respond to Jonathan’s initial proposal to combine finances?
- When and how did Brad and Laura merge finances?
- What does a typical day in Dani and Laura’s lives look like?
- How does “busy” look different from when Dani and Laura were working full-time jobs?
- Are kids expensive?
- How do Laura and Dani budget with the extra and unexpected costs of children?
- What is a “Buy Nothing” group?
- How does Laura advance purchase things for her children?
- Do Brad and Laura give their children many choices?
- How do Brad and Laura create space in their lives to not be consumed by FI?
- By saving money on unnecessary expenses, Brad and Laura can be generous and unconcerned with some of the smaller expenses that come up in life.
- How does the 72-hour-rule, introduced by the Frugalwoods, make a difference for Dani and Jonathan?
- How did Laura and Dani respond when Brad and Jonathan decided to leave their jobs and start ChooseFI?
- Does the pursuit of FI ever get too intense?
- How do Dani and Laura plan their meals and prepare ahead of time?
Listen to Brad and Jonathan’s thoughts about this episode here.
Why (and how) I Became a Work-At-Home Mom – The Frugalwoods
A letter to my 22-year-old self – Joel from FI 180