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082 | A Wife’s Perspective | Laura And Dani

Brad and Jonathan’s wives, Laura and Dani (respectively), talk about their introduction to FI, combining finances, budgeting with children, and maintaining balance.

  • How did Dani and Laura approach saving before meeting Jonathan?
  • How did Laura’s parents change careers to improve their financial status?
  • How was growing up in Zimbabwe different from a typical American upbringing?
  • What did saving money mean to Dani when she started working?
  • How did Dani respond to Jonathan’s initial proposal to combine finances?
  • When and how did Brad and Laura merge finances?
  • What does a typical day in Dani and Laura’s lives look like?
  • How does “busy” look different from when Dani and Laura were working full-time jobs?
  • Are kids expensive?
  • How do Laura and Dani budget with the extra and unexpected costs of children?
  • What is a “Buy Nothing” group?
  • How does Laura advance purchase things for her children?
  • Do Brad and Laura give their children many choices?
  • How do Brad and Laura create space in their lives to not be consumed by FI?
  • By saving money on unnecessary expenses, Brad and Laura can be generous and unconcerned with some of the smaller expenses that come up in life.
  • How does the 72-hour-rule, introduced by the Frugalwoods, make a difference for Dani and Jonathan?
  • How did Laura and Dani respond when Brad and Jonathan decided to leave their jobs and start ChooseFI?
  • Does the pursuit of FI ever get too intense?
  • How do Dani and Laura plan their meals and prepare ahead of time?

Listen to Brad and Jonathan’s thoughts about this episode here.


Stay at Home Chef

Smitten Kitchen


Why (and how) I Became a Work-At-Home Mom – The Frugalwoods

A letter to my 22-year-old self – Joel from FI 180

A Wife's Perspective | Laura and Dani
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