Strategies for decluttering and living with less (reflecting on Cait Flander’s interview with us on Monday), life hacks from the community, and a winner for the free ticket to CampFI in Joshua Tree!
- The ChooseFI community is growing and gaining national attention.
- Local Groups are really effective in some parts of the ChooseFI community.
- Jonathan joined some members of the Richmond local group to purchase a mosquito fogger to share between them.
- What else could be a shared purchase?
- Cait Flanders, from Monday’s episode, talked about taking control of your life, and decluttering her whole life.
- How do you take control of your life?
- Could you live with less?
- Why doesn’t Brad use a budget, and how does he still manage his finances well?
- Why does Brad hope his daughter reads Harry Potter?
- Voicemail from Kristyn, from and the Spark Joy podcast, talks about her FI progress, and tips for decluttering:
- Map out your ideal living environment; think about how your clutter fits into that.
- Ask yourself tough questions about the clutter in your life.
- What is tough about decluttering for Jonathan?
- How does Kristyn keep track of her “bit-sized wins”?
- Why did Jonathan finally get rid of his grad-school notes?
- Voicemail with a suggestion based on advice from The White Coat Investor, to employ children as models for his website, to add legitimate money to his kids’ retirement accounts.
- Facebook post from Heather about how her son found a job without a car.
- Message from Louima, who was inspired by Cait’s Monday episode, and is contemplating a reduction of her FI number.
- Email from Mark with some FI hacks:
- Food:
- Choose smaller dishes
- Put chips, pretzels, etc., in a dish, don’t eat directly from the bag
- Don’t eat alone: Why Eating Alone May Be Bad for You
- Don’t eat while watching TV: The Danger of Eating in Front of the TV
- Finances:
- Food:
- Update: Brad is working to establish a scholarship for a Treehouse student to learn coding, in partnership with Every Child’s Hope.
- Winner of the ticket to CampFI in Joshua Tree: Danielle!