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Tag: Personal Finance

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Billy B., a writer, entrepreneur, and blogger at Wealth Well Done shares his story of finding freedom in prison, starting over in his 30s and pursuing financial independence despite the setbacks. Billy was given a 10-year prison sentence at 21, just before he was supposed to graduate from college. Life was electric when Billy was …
Rocky Lalvani, blogger at Richer Soul, shares his story of growing up as an immigrant’s child, learning how to save money in his early years, and how he’s teaching his own children about finances now. Rocky’s parents came to the U.S. in 1968, when Rocky was 2 years old. Among Rocky’s parents’ friends and their …
A year-end episode featuring voicemails and messages from the ChooseFI community sharing successes, progress, exciting discoveries, and hopes for the next year of our journey toward financial independence. Links: Watch the LEGO FIRE Video on
Craig Attkinson, owner and founder of Green Side Up, a landscaping company in Richmond, Va., explains how he started his business in his mid-20s, what it took to grow and optimize the business, and how he’s optimized other aspects of his life as well. Craig started out his career on a golf course, with a …