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Tag: Investing

Featured Investing Articles

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When investing in a portfolio, there only a handful of things that you can control that will influence returns. They are: asset allocation, security, selection, and market timing. Asset allocation (stocks versus bonds) Security selection (which stocks or bonds) Market timing (buy now or later) Significant research has been done on these factors. By and …
One of the greatest appeals for having a financial advisor is the comfort we feel in having an “expert” do our investing for us. We fear that we don’t know what we’re doing with our own money. Most of us didn’t go to school for finance and we figure that a seasoned professional knows how …
Many folks believe it’s difficult–or completely impossible–to beat the market without help from a professional. Well, if you tuned into episode 75 of the Choose FI podcast, you’d know that’s completely wrong. Brian Feroldi–a writer at Motley Fool–posits that individual investors can far surpass professional money managers. If you have the know-how, being an individual …

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