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086R | Pretirement | Roger Whitney

A live-recorded conversation with Roger Whitney, the Retirement Answer Man, from Podcast Movement, questions for a potential accountant, and takeaways from Monday’s live case study with Allison Goddard.

What you’ll hear in today’s episode:

  • Brad is departing for a month-long family vacation to the U.K.
  • What is “global entry” and how/why did Brad get it before his trip?
  • Jonathan had a chance to meet up with Allison., from Episode 86.
  • If money was no longer an option, what would change for Brad and Jonathan?
    • Brad and Jonathan are super impressed with Allison’s grit and tenacity, to change the trajectory of her life.
    • Sometimes encouragement from someone else is the motivation we need.
    • You don’t have to know where your life is going to go, you just have to get started.
    • How can someone overcome “imposter syndrome”?
    • Voicemail from Angela at Tread Lightly/Retire Early – If Allison’s house is a place that makes her happy and brings her joy, maybe there are other ways that she can adjust her spending to be more efficient.
    • An article in the “Journal of Accountancy” addressing specific strategies for those pursuing financial independence: FIRE-d up for early retirement.
    • At what point is Turbo Tax not sufficient for your taxes?
    • What questions would Brad ask of a potential CPA?
    • Brad and Jonathan participated in Podcast Movement in Philadelphia, and participate in a ChooseFI meetup.
    • Brad is attending a ChooseFI meet-up in London as well.
    • A live recording from Podcast Movement, with Roger, the Retirement Answer Man:
      • The tension between wanting to have a good life and wanting to enjoy today never really goes away.
      • Most baby boomers don’t really want to never work again, but rather they want freedom in their time.
      • What are people running toward in retirement?
      • Instead of comparing retirement to a light switch, think of it more like a dimmer switch.
      • How does Roger talk to someone about making adjustments to move toward the life that you want?
      • Roger’s suggestion for having conversations: go for a walk, or a road trip, or something that creates space and time to have a conversation.
      • Pretirement: what can you do now to start setting yourself up for what you want?
      • Strong relationships with your colleagues and superiors can give you the ability to adjust your job to meet your needs.
      • Five things to do with money: Give it away, spend it, pay down debt, save it, or invest it.

    U.S. Customs Global Entry

    Building My Castle

    Tread Lightly, Retire Early

    Roger’s Latest YouTube video on why LTC Premiums are skyrocketing (with Pictures from Podcast Movement 2018 )

    Choose FI has partnered with CardRatings for our coverage of credit card products. Choose FI and CardRatings may receive a commission from card issuers. Opinions, reviews, analyses & recommendations are the author’s alone, and have not been reviewed, endorsed or approved by any of these entities. American Express is a ChooseFI advertiser. Disclosures.
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