In today’s podcast we discuss Episode 38 The Why of FI plus we announce three of the finalists for the business building competition with Alan Donegan of PopUp Business School and a voicemail from community member Geoff.
Podcast Episode Summary
- Discussion of Episode 38 on the Why of FI
- Jonathan’s Frugal Win of the Week at Costco by saving on protein bars
- Jonathan’s nutrition goals and the underlying concepts of simplicity and removing decision fatigue
- How unusual it is that the FI community is outside the mainstream by saving money whereas the norm is spending every dollar you have
- The elevator pitch for Financial Independence
- Brad believes the psychology behind the Why of FI is more important than the actual numbers
- Numbers will always be a focus as is saving money, but the psychology is essential
- How has Jonathan’s focus changed since the beginning of his FI journey and since the beginning of ChooseFI
- Jonathan has latched onto the ideas of simplicity and happiness
- The new concept of the FireWalker, as coined by our community member Cody
- Has Jonathan shifted from being a spender fundamentally?
- How has the journey impacted Brad?
- Brad’s thought about community and connection matter more than he even thought
- The connections that are made possible due to the ChooseFI community
- Local community meetups and our request for community leaders throughout the country and world
- Everything is connected with FI as a life optimization strategy
- Voicemail from Geoff about sequence of return risk and working towards a minimalist lifestyle and how to optimize life
- What do you have control over? Focus on that
- Cutting expenses and getting your lifestyle creep under control
- The 4% rule explained
- Geoff’s plans for different scenarios and his budgets
- Geographic arbitrage for moving to low cost of living area
- Think in advance for different situations you may face in the future
- Competition with Alan Donegan from PopUp Business School: We play 3 of the finalists that were picked by our panel
- Giveaway winner for the free Camp ticket in Florida in January
- Book giveaways
- Vote for the Plutus Awards to support the many bloggers who are active members of our community
Links from the show: