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Tag: Personal Finance

Blog Articles

Well it wasn’t actually a single moment, it was a series of moments which led to another moment. The Trudge “Trudge” verb – walk slowly and with heavy steps, typically because of exhaustion or harsh conditions. Synonyms: plod, tramp, drag oneself, walk heavily, walk slowly, plough, slog, footslog, toil, trek, clump, clomp, lumber. It started one day when I left the train at my station on the way …

Podcast Shownotes

Find out more about the upcoming ChooseFI documentary series, Andrew and Zach’s experiments in Financial Independence, and community corrections. Andrew shares his experience selling plasma as the first of ChooseFI’s experiments in financial independence. Andrew and Zach will be sharing their experiences on YouTube as they document their attempts to earn money through side hustles …