Speculation or Investment? My good friend Chris Hutchins had Andy Rachleff, the co-founder of Wealthfront, on his podcast All the Hacks recently and it was a truly phenomenal episode. You’ll likely see some more quotes from this episode in coming editions of the FI Weekly, but I wanted to start with Andy’s succinct distinction between a speculation and an investment: “The difference between a speculation and an investment is that an investment has a cash flow. You can evaluate its merits based on your expectation for those cash flows. Something that doesn’t have a cash flow is purely a gamble. Why should gold go up? It’s a shiny metal, it’s purely emotional. The same is true, I think, for cryptocurrencies. So, to me, they are speculations. Commodities are speculations. I don’t think that speculations have a place in a responsible portfolio. That being said, people have a fear of missing out. So, they are going to do it and all I can say is keep it to a small percentage of your portfolio. The fact that they went up doesn’t mean the person who bought them was smart, it means they were lucky. And that’s the part that people have a hard time understanding.