Brad with Family

Eat Healthy & Save Money with The Barrett Family Cookbook

Welcome to the collection of my favorite recipes! I have curated this list over the past decade and these are the recipes we consistently come back to as our favorites.

We have created this beautiful PDF of my top 30 recipes available for you to download for FREE.

I love these recipes because they help me cook efficiently and affordably, while keeping my family healthy and satisfied.

Every healthy and yummy meal has been handpicked by me to:

  • Slash your food bill with delicious $2 per serving recipes.
  • Turn anyone in a home cook using simple, easy to follow directions.
  • Tackle an entire week of meal planning by doubling or tripling the ingredients. Cook once – eat for days!

While I absolutely love to cook, I don’t love doing it every single day. These recipes are perfect because most of them make enough for 2-3 nights for a family of 4. This allows me to enjoy cooking a few nights a week and get some time off from the kitchen the remainder of the week.

Cooking at home allows us to eat healthier, save money (how can you beat $2 per serving for dinner!?), enjoy quality time together at home as a family, and on busy nights, pull leftovers out of the refrigerator when we are all going in different directions. I hope your family enjoys these recipes as much as mine does – now get cooking!