An update the community on recent activities, discussion about the opportunity cost of college and potential alternatives, a ChooseFI scholarship announcement, and a few voicemails from the ChooseFI community.
What you’ll hear in the show:
- Brad recaps his trip to the Berkshire Hathaway shareholders meeting in Omaha, and a visit with the ChooseFI local group in Omaha.
- Jonathan shares how he recently cut his grocery costs by nearly $700.
- Use up the foods that are stockpiled in the pantry
- Shop at Aldi’s; it’s nearly impossible to spend more than $100 in a trip
- Repeated meals requires purchasing less meals
- How is Jonathan’s Skinny Waist Fat Wallet challenge going?
- Review of Monday’s episode with Ryan Carson at TeamTreehouse.
- Is college the obvious choice, or are there other good options for young adults preparing to enter the workforce?
- What does Brad recommend that people consider while making this decision?
- John, from the ChooseFi community, suggests that some companies still look for college degrees, as opposed to a coding certificate. How can someone manage that?
- How does Treehouse support students by helping them find jobs at the completion of their degree?
- ChooseFI wants to sponsor someone to go through the Treehouse program. Brad and Jonathan will set up a scholarship application on the website.
- Neil, from the ChooseFi community, suggests that students looking for internships should be both persistent and creative when contacting a company you might want to internships with: not all internships are advertised position.
- Todd shares some life hacks for $300 expenses per month:
- Eliminate costs of mortgage or rent
- Use free transportation to save on gas expenses
- Find ways to decrease or eliminate grocery bills
- Internet is free at the library
- Voicemail from Kevin in Sydney, Australia: The podcast makes him feel good about self-improvement, and requests more info about property investment from ChooseFi.
- The power of pursuing financial independence is the lifestyle changes that it allows.
*Update | on May 15th after the release of this episode we became an affiliate for the Treehouse Code School
Resources mentioned in this episode:
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