What comes after the baby steps and Financial Peace University? Bringing your spouse on board with FI, the benefits of paying off your mortgage, and the next Dave Ramsey steps.
What you’ll hear on today’s show:
- How Andy brought his wife on board with Dave Ramsey and FI
- What his life looked like before
- The importance of finding a balance
- How he started with talking about the benefits of FI
- Using a monthly budget party to keep finances in check
- The benefits of paying off your mortgage
- How Andy paid it all off
- The next Dave Ramsey steps
- Using travel rewards
- Hotseat questions
Listen to Brad and Jonathan’s thoughts about this episode here.
Links from the show:
- Andy’s blog: Marriage, Kids and Money
- Dave Ramsey’s Peace University
- Blog: Retire by 45
- What having it all taught me about money by Making Your Money Matter
- Andy’s article: $400,000 Home Paid Off in Less Than 4 Years
- Andy’s podcast
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