Getting comfortable with being uncomfortable, hacks to save money on everyday electronics, and using donor advised funds to optimize tax payments.
What you’ll hear on today’s show:
- Jonathan optimizing his house insurance
- Comment from Katie on using diamonds on engagement rings
- Examples of velvet ropes
- The importance of getting comfortable with being uncomfortable
- Sara shares a DIY success
- Voicemail from Daniel about saving money on everyday electronics
- Jaclyn share’s her success from a salary decrease
- Voicemail from Steven on using donor advised funds to avoid capital gains tax
- For a related article on this topic check out How To Plan Itemized Deductions With The New Tax Bill
- Alan saves money by timing the cash flows
- Kevin talks about creating a better version of health insurance
- iTunes review and book giveaway
Links from the show:
- Book: Predictably Irrational
- How we make meaningful and tax efficient charitable donations by The Frugalwoods
- The donor advised fund: A smarter way to give by Physician on FIRE
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